
Bacteria, Food waste


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Bacteria 28 Circular 255 Composite 113 Recycled 151 Regenerative 62 Bacteria 10 Food waste 3

Bacteria, Food waste
Bacteria, Food waste
Bacteria, Food waste
Bacteria, Food waste
Bacteria, Food waste
Bacteria, Food waste
Bacteria, Food waste
Bacteria, Food waste
Bacteria, Food waste

The irresistible illusion of finding a solution

The majority of materials used for infrastructure development are non-regenerative aggregates whose extraction methods, trade and processing raise political, ecological and social tensions to various degrees in relation to their local availability.

'The irresistible illusion of finding a solution' is a material study on bio-concrete derived from abundant local waste streams. As the construction sector is one of the most resource and carbon-intensive economy sectors, resourcing from waste reduces the amount of virgin and non-renewable material needed for infrastructure development.

The process involves living microorganisms producing a solid calcium composite through biomineralisation. This non-pathogenic bacteria has the ability to utilise the enzyme urease and calcium carbonate crystals. Once introduced into a waste material, the process of biomineralisation creates a solid material, an alternative source of concrete and a circular material to avoid excavation and minimise irreversible human impact.

Text submitted by the maker and edited by the Future Materials Bank. For information about reproducing (a part of) this text, please contact the maker.


Bacteria, organic urban waste from the food and production industry


Scientific support from the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Bioprocess Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Götz and Johannes Nicklisch; University of Applied Sciences Potsdam