
Blood, Fat, Bone


Made in

Animal material 71 Biodegradable 269 Circular 255 Composite 113 Recyclable 145 Recycled 151 Textile 111 Bone 5

Blood, Fat, Bone
Blood, Fat, Bone
Blood, Fat, Bone
Blood, Fat, Bone
Blood, Fat, Bone
Blood, Fat, Bone
Blood, Fat, Bone
Blood, Fat, Bone
Blood, Fat, Bone

Photos: Shahar Livne

Blood leather

In most slaughterhouses, blood is drained into the sewers and waterways, or re-used as a colourant for meat. Inspired by the construction and deconstruction of living subjects in the food industry, Shahar Livne developed a new handmade “bio-leather” by using fat and bones driven materials from the waste streams of slaughterhouses in the Netherlands and utilising the wasted blood as a colourant and a plasticiser.

The “Meat Factory” project is a series of material experiments with the aim to create dissonance between attractiveness and disgust, natural and industrial attitudes while focusing on the blood as a material and a colourant. The results of the project are visualised in two directions:

1. The use of blood as an ink produces an exciting natural colour range in a silkscreen technique. This repetitive technique references the ancient pigment oxblood, alongside the industrial revolution relating to food and materials.
2. The bioleather is made only from the meat industry-driven waste and low-value materials as a suggestion to create new valuable replacements for a polluting and often cruel industry. Shahar investigated the construction and deconstruction of living subjects and the wasteful and cynical treatment of animals and natural resources by human beings, inspired by the philosophy of “Nose to Tail” attitude of using the entire animal.

Text submitted by the maker and edited by the Future Materials Bank. For information about reproducing (a part of) this text, please contact the maker.


Blood, bone, fat

Physical samples

  • 0062-1

Accessible to participants at the Jan van Eyck Academie and on appointment.