
Celery, Chard


Made in

Biodegradable 268 Fibre 81 Plant-based 196 Textile 110 Glycerine 39

Celery, Chard
Celery, Chard
Celery, Chard
Celery, Chard
Celery, Chard
Celery, Chard
Celery, Chard
Celery, Chard

Photos: Scott van Kampen Wieling

An Inner-Act

Resonance is the sensitivity to the movement of entities and energies that build up in our bodies. The project 'An Inner-Act' attempts to reveal these intimate lifeforms by bringing the inner to the outer, tapping into these resonances.

A composition of fragmented patterns translated from an anatomic human body. Materials within their tissues hold protein fibres dissected from vegetables. A discovery in the relation between food and muscles both in terms of nutrition and energy, but also for the material likeness as fibres.

Death is profound and momentous, beyond our understanding. As the soil takes care of us through the foods and fibres it provides, a resonance vibrates through the body, to give back to the earth. A way in which our human bodies and their lifeforms are part of a larger energetic exchange.

An Inner-Act seeks to find an essence of culture within nature, through bringing equal position to non-human lifeforms that together make up an ecosystem in which we inner-act. This research is conceptualised into a garment, which resembles a second skin, acting as a mirror to human beholders.

Making process

The material is made by techniques of dissecting, cooking, blending, positioning of fibres and drying.

Text submitted by the maker and edited by the Future Materials Bank. For information about reproducing (a part of) this text, please contact the maker.


Celery, chard, glycerine