
Fish skin


Made in

Animal material 68 Biodegradable 265 Recycled 141 Textile 106 Fish skin 2

Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin
Fish skin

Photos: Maël Henaff, Carlota Coiduras

Textilised Traditions

The whole concept for Paula Martin’s graduate collection ‘Textilised traditions’ started by walking around London during the UK Covid lockdown. She was surprised by the amount of resources that surround us when we live in a city as big as the capital of the UK. As a designer, she realises the potential hidden in these piles of rubbish and large containers. Waste that we pass by every day, piled as if part of the urban infrastructure.

According to her, this waste is systematically discarded as a result of an increasingly faster and instant consuming system. We seek the greatest monetary efficiency in the shortest possible time and this philosophy is reflected in the constant disposal of "waste" and the loss of culture and tradition, which affects the survival of communities and the urban identity of our cities. For this reason, she chose Billingsgate Fish Market as the source of her material, because of its historical importance to the city of London. These sorts of local institutions represent a piece of history for the community and are slowly being lost in favour of the construction of huge buildings.

Therefore this project was born as a desire to use design as a tool to promote cultural and ecological sustainability.

Text submitted by the maker and edited by the Future Materials Bank. For information about reproducing (a part of) this text, please contact the maker.


Fish waste