
Recycled plastic


Made in

Board material 32 Circular 255 Polymer 43 Recyclable 143 Recycled 148 HDPE/PE-HD 10 LDPE/PE-LD 5 Plastic 15 Ps 3

Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic

Photos: Plasticiet


Plastic is the new gold! So instead of wasting it, let's turn it into something beautiful, which is exactly what they love to do at Plasticiet.

Following extensive prototyping, they have found a way to process large volumes of plastic waste and transform it into a sustainable material. With a visual language inspired by the beauty of natural stone. Plasticiet creates building blocks that can be used for a wide range of applications.

Plasticiet was founded in 2018 by Marten van Middelkoop and Joost Dingemans, two Rotterdam based designers with a passion for sustainable material development.

Text submitted by the maker and edited by the Future Materials Bank. For information about reproducing (a part of) this text, please contact the maker.


ldpe, pc, ps, hdpe



Physical samples

  • 0056-1

  • 0056-2

  • 0056-3

  • 0056-4

Accessible to participants at the Jan van Eyck Academie and on appointment.