
Recycled plastic


Made in

Circular 255 Polymer 43 Recycled 148 HDPE/PE-HD 10 Plastic 15

Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic
Recycled plastic

Photos: Jessica den Hartog

Remade Textiles

Schônste wijk is a program of Art-fact / Buurtcultuur Tilburg from GoirkeWest-Hasselt. Residents and organisations submit wishes to make their neighbourhood (and city) more beautiful, cleaner and more active. Together with artists, these wishes are translated into artistic concepts with the aim of realising them.

Less plastic (waste on the street) is one of the wishes that has been converted into a workshop experiment to develop plastic waste into valuable materials and objects, using basic tools to make them. This is being explored in various locations, there is no permanent workshop place.

Plastic expert Jessica den Hartog has been involved since January 2020. Based on her knowledge of consumer plastic, she researches tools and develops useful techniques that convert plastics into aesthetic materials and objects. Sharing artistic knowledge is the goal. We make the process that Jessica goes through transparent, accessible and shareable for the public.

Text submitted by the maker and edited by the Future Materials Bank. For information about reproducing (a part of) this text, please contact the maker.


Post-consumer plastic, HDPE