
Tinder fungus composite


Made in

Biodegradable 252 Circular 236 Composite 106 Fibre 73 Plant-based 183 Vegan 98 Cellulose 11 Tinder fungus 2

Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite
Tinder fungus composite

Photos: Mari Koppanen, Nina Tsy


Amadou is a unique fungal substance manually extracted from tinder fungus (Fomes fomentarius). This material has a long history of versatile uses, yet it remains relatively unknown. Over the years, the expertise in processing a woody mushroom into velvety amadou material has gradually diminished and become almost entirely lost. The Kääpä+ project brings together ancient material knowledge and innovation. It introduces a totally new type of material experimentation, amadou composite, which is fully biodegradable, lightweight and renewable material alternative. The amadou composite is manufactured from tinder mushrooms and wood cellulose derivatives. It utilises amadou pieces, which would otherwise go unused due to their small size, harnessing the full potential of amadou.

The Kääpä+ project is a continuation of Mari Koppanen’s long-standing work with the amadou material development. The project’s research-oriented approach aims to rejuvenate the design field and introduce new perspectives on future material possibilities. Objects that showcase the unique qualities of amadou while honouring traditional materials enhance interest in amadou and support the continuity of its craftsmanship. The Kääpä+ project invites fungi into our living spaces and celebrates this one-of-a-kind material in a way never seen before.

The lamps for the Kääpä+ project feature a combination of form-pressed amadou composite and a ceramic foot. Lighting design provides a canvas for experimenting with forms, shapes, and structures. It plays a crucial role in shaping the visual and emotional atmosphere of a space. Combining these aspects and the cultural-historical resonance of amadou, the Trapetsi lamps are designed to showcase fungal material research in a way that makes it relatable, functional, and fun. Through their playful character, amadou is introduced to in a manner that is both relevant and impactful, bridging the gap between tradition and innovation.

Making process

Tinder mushrooms are harvested, and peeled with a sharp knife to remove the hard, crusty outer layer. This reveals a spongy material inside the fruiting body, which is then trimmed into shape and carefully stretched and flattened by hand using small circular motions. Smaller pieces of amadou, which would otherwise go unused, are ground into fibres for the composite material. The binding agent in the composite is carboxymethylcellulose, a wood cellulose derivative, that is completely non-toxic and compostable natural adhesive. Powdered carboxymethylcellulose is mixed with water and left to sit overnight. Amadou fibre and CMC are mixed. Wet composite is then pressed into shape using plaster moulds, allowed to dry, and is ready for use in the product.

Text submitted by the maker and edited by the Future Materials Bank. For information about reproducing (a part of) this text, please contact the maker.


Tinder fungus (amadou), carboxymethylcellulose (wood cellulose derivate)


Laura Koppanen