


Made in

Circular 236 Woodchip 5


Photos: Riikka Kantinkoski


Woodio® material consists of real wood chips and resin-based adhesives.

The solid wood content in the final product is approximately 80%. As a core material, they use locally sourced wood and side streams from the Finnish forest industry.

In everyday use, the Woodio® material has the same features as traditional ceramic materials. However, the Woodio® material’s almost carbon-neutral production method makes a significant difference as an environmentally friendly alternative. The material is fully waterproof, durable and sustainable while serving as CO2 storage. When the product comes to the end of its lifecycle, you can reuse it as energy waste.

All Woodio products are manufactured in Finland at the company’s own factory with an almost carbon-neutral production process. Using mainly bio-based raw materials and developing a moulding technology that does not require water or energy-intensive phases, unlike the ceramics combustion process, has allowed the company to bring down its products’ carbon footprint to considerably lower levels. The carbon footprint of a Woodio washbasin is 80% smaller when compared to a similar-sized ceramic basin. The low weight of the final product also reduces emissions in logistics and transport.

Text submitted by the maker and edited by the Future Materials Bank. For information about reproducing (a part of) this text, please contact the maker.


Wood chips, resin-based adhesives


Styling of the photos: Laura Räihä